Using Essential Oils with Pets

Since 2003 I have relied on home remedies for both myself and especially my seven year old Golden Retriever, Taylor. Over the years I have become more sensitive to over the counter products. In addition, Taylor is allergic to a surprisingly number of items, everything from foods to flea and tick treatments.

Therefore, essential oils became my best friend. Most animals, including dogs, love the smell and they usually respond well when they like it. When essential oils are used safely can be used for everything from flea and tick repellants to lumps, bumps and more!

There are so many reasons that essential oils are good for dogs. They are simple and easy to use. They are extremely beneficial to use in training both puppies and dogs. You can use essential oils for concentration, focus and anxiety as you would a human. But the number one reason is that they are not toxic to the body. So many OTC products can cause liver and kidney damage, and essential oils are safe when used properly. Of course, as with any product make sure that you use the appropriate amount and dilution based on your pet’s weight and health. So keep in mind, as we do with humans, that if a dog is sick or toxic then it is best to use less essential oil at first. This is because most oils will detoxify the body at a cellular level.

There are several ways to apply or administer essential oils to dogs:

  • Apply directly on location;
  • Place oil in your palm then pet head to toe;
  • Place oil where the skin is thin such as belly and or inside of the ears;
  • Smell it right out of the bottle or from your hands! or
  • As a dietary supplement by placing in capsule as directed on bottle with vegetable oil and give to your pet in food or with food is best.

If you decide to use essential oils for home remedies make sure you use therapeutic grade essential oils. Perfume quality or aromatherapy grade oils can cause more harm than good especially if using them topically because they are distilled using solvents or are adulterated. Pure therapeutic grade oils are steam distilled and do not contain any chemicals.

However, always read through the specific oil information online or in a good reference book before you do decide to use it on your animal. Horses, cats and dogs love essential oils; but cats are a bit more sensitive so you have to be a bit cautious with them.

Here’s to happy healthy living using essential oils with you and your pet.